You're the Director
You're The Director.iso
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Text File
687 lines
on startMovie
global max,movielist,limit,splist,reset,letgo,prev,gSound,prev
global gCurrentSprite,CurrentAudio
global LastButton,fullscreenG,gRewind,gSpeed,LastButton
set the preloadEventAbort = TRUE
openxlib "QT.X"
set LastButton = 0
set fullscreenG = 0
set gRewind = 0
set gSpeed = 1
put 100 into CurrentAudio
put string(CurrentAudio) into CurrentAudio
set magcursor to [the number of cast "Clapboard"]
set the cursor of sprite 1 to magcursor
set gCurrentSprite = 3
set prev = 0
set gSound = 6
set prev = 0
set letgo=0
set reset=0
set the visible of sprite 19 = 0
-- updateStage
set the textSize of field "movie" to 24
set the textSize of field "name" to 24
repeat with i=21 to 45
puppetsprite i,1
end repeat
set the visible of sprite 45 to FALSE
set splist= [[195, 211], [195, 294], [195, 377], [443, 211], [443, 294], [443, 377]]
set limit=24
set movielist=[]
set max=count(movielist)
when keydown then globalkey
repeat with x = 46 to 48
puppetSprite x,TRUE
set the visible of sprite x to FALSE
puppetSprite x,FALSE
end repeat
go "Options"
end startMovie
on idle
end idle
on testbut
global movielist
if count(movielist)<=0 then
repeat with i=12 to 18
set the visibility of sprite i=0
end repeat
repeat with i=12 to 18
set the visibility of sprite i=1
end repeat
end if
end testbut
on setdef
repeat with i=12 to 18
set the visibility of sprite i=1
end repeat
end setdef
on addbar x
global letgo,movielist
if count(movielist)>=24 then exit
set letgo=0
put string(item 1 of the name of cast (the number of cast string(chars(the name of cast (the castnum of sprite x),1,2)&"s"))) into yu
--put string(item 1 of the name of cast (the castnum of sprite x)) into yu
add movielist,yu
set max=count(movielist)
end checkbar
on showbar
global movielist,max,limit
set the visibility of sprite 2=1
repeat with i=21 to 20+count(movielist)
set the visibility of sprite i=1
end repeat
repeat with i=20+count(movielist)+1 to 20+limit
set the visibility of sprite i=0
end repeat
end showbar
on hidebar
global movielist,max,limit
if (the frame >18) then
set the visibility of sprite 2=0
end if
repeat with i=21 to 20+limit
set the visibility of sprite i=0
end repeat
end hidebar
on setbar
global movielist,max,selected,limit,fullscreenG
if count(movielist)=0 then
repeat with i=21 to 20+limit
set the visibility of sprite i=0
end repeat
end if
repeat with i =1 to count(movielist)
set the castnum of sprite 20+i=the number of cast string(getat(movielist,i))
end repeat
repeat with i =1 to count(selected)
if getat(selected,i)=1 then
if fullscreenG = FALSE then
set the ink of sprite 20+i=4
puppetSprite 45,true
set the moveableSprite of sprite 45 = TRUE
set newsprite = (20 + i)
set the loch of sprite 45 = the locH of sprite newsprite
set the locv of sprite 45 = the locV of sprite newsprite
set the ink of sprite 45 to 36
set the visible of sprite 45 to TRUE
set the moveableSprite of sprite 45 = FALSE
end if
set the ink of sprite 20+i=0
--set the visible of sprite 45 to FALSE
end if
end repeat
if fullscreenG = 0 then
end if
on namesmall
set x1=100
repeat with i=1 to 36
put numtochar(chartonum("`")+(i/6)+1) into yur
set the name of cast (i+x1)= string(yur&(i mod 6))&"s"
if (i mod 6)=0 then set the name of cast (i+x1)= string(numtochar(chartonum(yur)-1)&"6")&"s"
end repeat
end namesmall
on namemov
set x1=136
repeat with i=1 to 36
put numtochar(chartonum("`")+(i/6)+1) into yur
set the name of cast (i+x1)= string(yur&(i mod 6))&".mov"
if (i mod 6)=0 then set the name of cast (i+x1)= string(numtochar(chartonum(yur)-1)&"6")&".mov"
end repeat
end namemov
on initsp
global splist
set splist=[]
set x=3
repeat with i=x to x+5
add splist,[the loch of sprite i,the locv of sprite i]
end repeat
end initsp
on reset
global splist,reset
if the frame=56 then exit
set x=13
repeat with i=x to x+5
set yu=getat(splist,(i-x+1))
set the loch of sprite i= getat(yu,1)
set the locv of sprite i= getat(yu,2)
set the castnum of sprite i=the number of cast string(chars(the name of cast (the castnum of sprite i),1,2))
set the ink of sprite i to 0
end repeat
end reset
on playmovn
put the clickon into yu
puppetsprite 48,1
set the castnum of sprite 48=the number of cast string(chars(the name of cast (the castnum of sprite yu),1,2)&".MOV")
set the visibility of sprite 48=1
set the movietime of sprite 48=0
set the movierate of sprite 48=1
set the controller of cast the castnum of sprite 48=0
repeat while the movietime of sprite 48<(the duration of cast the castnum of sprite 48) and the controldown
end repeat
set the movietime of sprite 48=0
set the movierate of sprite 48=0
set the visibility of sprite 48=0
end playmovn
on playmovn2
put the clickon into yu
puppetsprite 48,1
set yu=0
repeat with i=1 to count(movielist)
if getat(selected,i)=1 then put i into yu
if yu<>0 then exit repeat
end repeat
if yu=0 then exit
set yu=yu+20
set the castnum of sprite 48=the number of cast string(chars(the name of cast (the castnum of sprite yu),1,2)&".MOV")
set the visibility of sprite 48=1
set the controller of cast the castnum of sprite 48=1
set the movietime of sprite 48=0
set the movierate of sprite 48=1
repeat while the movietime of sprite 48<the duration of cast (the castnum of sprite 48) and not(the controldown)
end repeat
set the movietime of sprite 48=0
set the movierate of sprite 48=0
set the visibility of sprite 48=0
repeat with x = 13 to 18
set the visible of sprite x to TRUE
end repeat
end playmovn2
on playmovn3
global prev
if (prev = 1) then
put the clickon into yu
puppetsprite 48,1
set yu=0
repeat with i=1 to count(movielist)
if getat(selected,i)=1 then
put i into yu
set the visible of sprite 19 to TRUE
repeat with x = 13 to 18
set the visible of sprite x to FALSE
end repeat
puppetSound 0
end if
if yu<>0 then exit repeat
end repeat
if yu=0 then
set prev =0
end if
set yu=yu+20
set the castnum of sprite 48=the number of cast string(chars(the name of cast (the castnum of sprite yu),1,2)&".MOV")
set the visibility of sprite 48=1
set the controller of cast the castnum of sprite 48=1
set the movietime of sprite 48=0
set the movierate of sprite 48=1
set prev = 2
end if
if the movietime of sprite 48<the duration of cast (the castnum of sprite 48) and not(the controldown) then
set prev = 0
set the movietime of sprite 48=0
set the movierate of sprite 48=0
set the visibility of sprite 48=0
set the visible of sprite 19 to FALSE
repeat with x = 13 to 18
set the visible of sprite x to TRUE
end repeat
puppetSound "OPEN.AIF"
end if
end playmovn3
on playmovn3Q
global prev,Clips,Current
if (prev = 1) then
put the clickon into yu
--puppetsprite 48,1
set yu=0
repeat with i=1 to count(movielist)
if getat(selected,i)=1 then
put i into yu
set the visible of sprite 19 to TRUE
-- repeat with x = 13 to 18
-- set the visible of sprite x to FALSE
--end repeat
puppetSound 0
end if
if yu<>0 then exit repeat
end repeat
if yu=0 then
set prev =0
end if
set yu=yu+20
put the filename of cast (string(chars(the name of cast(the castnum of sprite yu),1,2)&".MOV")) into Clips
set prev = 2
set Current = FALSE
playQTF Clips, "160,140", 0
-- end if
--if the movietime of sprite 48<the duration of cast (the castnum of sprite 48) and not(the --controldown) then
set prev = 0
set the visible of sprite 19 to FALSE
repeat with x = 13 to 18
set the visible of sprite x to TRUE
end repeat
repeat with x = 3 to 7
puppetSprite x,TRUE
set the visible of sprite x to TRUE
puppetSprite x,FALSE
end repeat
set MovieSeq = FALSE
puppetSound "OPEN.AIF"
end if
end playmovn3Q
on playmovn4Q yu
global k,mm,Current,prev,Clips,
set yu=yu+20
set i = chars(the name of cast(the castnum of sprite yu),1,3)
set place = getOne(movielist,i)
set k = place
set mm = place
put the filename of cast (string(chars(the name of cast(the castnum of sprite yu),1,2)&".MOV")) into Clips
set prev = 2
set Current = TRUE
playQTF Clips, "160,140", 0
on playmovn4 yu
global k,mm
set yu=yu+20
set i = chars(the name of cast(the castnum of sprite yu),1,3)
set place = getOne(movielist,i)
set k = place
set mm = place
set the castnum of sprite 48=the number of cast string(chars(the name of cast (the castnum of sprite yu),1,2)&".MOV")
set the visibility of sprite 48=1
set the controller of cast the castnum of sprite 48=1
set the movietime of sprite 48=0
set the movierate of sprite 48=1
on initsel
global selected
set selected=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
end initsel
on delset
global selected,movielist
if count(movielist)<=0 then exit
set sel=countsel()
if sel=0 then exit
set del=[]
repeat with i=1 to count(movielist)
if getat(selected,i)=1 then setat movielist,i,0
end repeat
put del
set mv2=[]
repeat with i in (movielist)
if i<>0 then add mv2,i
end repeat
set movielist=mv2
set the visible of sprite 45 to FALSE
end delset
on plusset
global selected,movielist
if count(movielist)<=0 then exit
set sel=countsel()
if sel=count(movielist) or sel=0 then exit
setat selected,sel,1
repeat with i=(count(movielist)-1) down to 1
if getat(selected,i)=1 then
put getat(movielist,i) into yut
deleteAt selected, count(selected)
addat selected,1,0
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end delset
on minset
global selected,movielist
if count(movielist)<=0 then exit
if getat( selected,1)=1 then exit
set sel=countsel()
if sel=0 then exit
setat selected,sel,1
repeat with i=1 to count(movielist)
if getat(selected,i)=1 then
put getat(movielist,i) into yut
deleteAt movielist, i
add movielist,i-1,yut
deleteAt selected, 1
add selected,0
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end delset
on countsel
repeat with i=1 to count(selected)
if getat(selected,i)=1 then
return i
end if
end repeat
return 0
end countsel
on clearall
global movielist
set movielist=[]
set the visible of sprite 45 to FALSE
end clearall
on globalkey
if the key=BACKSPACE then delset
if the key="+" then plusset
if the key="-" then minset
end globalkey
on compilemov
global movielist,comp,k,mm
if k=0 then
puppetsprite 48,1
set k=0
set mm=1
end if
if k<>mm then
set k=mm
if k<= count( movielist) then
set i=getat(movielist,k)
setat selected,k,1
put chars(i,1,2) into j
set the castnum of sprite 48=the number of cast (j&".mov")
set the directToStage of cast (the castnum of sprite 48)=1
set the visibility of sprite 48=1
set the controller of cast (the castnum of sprite 48)=1
set the movietime of sprite 48=0
set the movierate of sprite 48=1
set the visibility of sprite 48=0
puppetsprite 48,0
set comp=0
set k=0
go "EndMovie"
--puppetSound "MOTEL1.AIF"
end if
end if
if the movietime of sprite 48<the duration of cast (the castnum of sprite 48) then
set the movierate of sprite 48=0
set mm=mm+1
end if
end compilemov
on compilemovQ
global movielist,comp,k,mm,prev,Clips,Current,fullscreenG,gSpeed
global MovieSeq
put count(movielist) into numb
if k=0 then
--puppetsprite 48,1
set k=0
set mm=1
end if
if k<>mm then
set k=mm
if k<= count( movielist) then
set i=getat(movielist,k)
setat selected,k,1
if fullscreenG = FALSE then
end if
put chars(i,1,2) into j
set prev = 2
put the filename of cast (j&".mov") into Clips
set Current = TRUE
set MovieSeq = TRUE
if fullscreenG = FALSE then
playQTF Clips, "160,140", 0
playQTF Clips, "0,0",1
end if
set mm=mm+1
set comp=0
set k=0
if fullscreenG = TRUE then
puppetSprite 48,TRUE
set the visible of sprite 48 to FALSE
puppetSprite 48,FALSE
ChangeScreenSize Clips, "160,140", 1
end if
go "EndMovie"
end if
end if
end compilemovQ
on quitmov
global comp,k,m
--set the visibility of sprite 48=0
--puppetsprite 48,0
set comp=0
set k=0
end quitmov
on RunOff
global gCurrentSprite
set the editableText of sprite gCurrentSprite to FALSE
if (gCurrentSprite = 3) then
set gCurrentSprite =4
set gCurrentSprite =3
go "no"
end if
on stopmovie
end stopmovie
on beginMyMovie
global myWindow
if objectP(myWindow) then
forget myWindow
end if
set horzOrigin to the stageleft
set vertOrigin to the stageTop
set myWindowRect to rect(horzOrigin,vertOrigin,¼
set myWindow to window "HelpMovie"
set the fileName of myWindow to "HELP.DIR"
set the titleVisible of myWindow to FALSE
open myWindow
tell window "HelpMovie" to go to "Gstart"
on finishMovie
global myWindow
if objectP(myWindow) then
forget myWindow
end if
on MovieOver
global myWindow
set myWindow to window "HelpMovie"
set the fileName of myWindow to "HELP.DIR"
close myWindow
forget myWindow
on showbarB
global movielist,max,limit
set the visibility of sprite 2=1
repeat with i=21 to 20+count(movielist)
set the visibility of sprite i=1
end repeat
repeat with i=20+count(movielist)+1 to 20+limit
set the visibility of sprite i=0
end repeat
end showbarB
on setbarB
global movielist,max,selected,limit,Double
put "inside setbar"
if count(movielist)=0 then
repeat with i=21 to 20+limit
set the visibility of sprite i=0
end repeat
end if
repeat with i =1 to count(movielist)
set the castnum of sprite 20+i=the number of cast string(getat(movielist,i))
end repeat
repeat with i =1 to count(selected)
if getat(selected,i)=1 then
if Double = FALSE then
set the ink of sprite 20+i=4
put "above puppetSprite 45 is true"
puppetSprite 45,true
set the moveableSprite of sprite 45 = TRUE
set newsprite = (20 + i)
set the loch of sprite 45 = the locH of sprite newsprite
set the locv of sprite 45 = the locV of sprite newsprite
set the visible of sprite 45 to TRUE
set the moveableSprite of sprite 45 = FALSE
end if
else set the ink of sprite 20+i=0
end repeat
if Double = FALSE then
end if